Friday, December 3, 2010

Fun Facts and Fitness For the Heritage & Eco Minded

We have a fascination with the natural environment, BARBADOS' heritage, and a desire to share these Barbadian, treasures. It's amazing how this island was formed, and how BARBADIANS lived long ago, and why there are many scores of Barbadian centenarians. In fact so far for this year 2009, approximately ten new Barbadian centenarians have be documented.

Hiking tours for summer campers, a service which continues to the present, and has expanded to youth groups, faith groups, the corporate sector, as well as guests to our island, are quite popular. As health consciousness has become popular on this island, there has been a noticeable increase in hiking and walking groups. There are weekend keep fit enthusiasts groups, that specialize in very hilly and rugged terrain for five hours, at extremely breathtaking speeds in all weather. One group is in it's twenty sixth year, having started with eight hikers, now accommodates about two hundred avid Sunday hikers at six in the morning and also at three thirty in the afternoon. There is even a once per month moonlight hike, which is a hit with the romantic. This group offers four different walking speeds in its morning version, from Stop and Stare, the slowest, to the fastest Grin and Bear. The afternoon hike offers only the Stop and Stare speed.

This twenty six year old group, produces an annual hike schedule, in which every Sunday is a hike listed for a different part of Barbados, between sugar cane fields, through ravines (we call them gullies), country villages, suburban districts, coastal beach trails, and rugged hills. Consequently, each hike is different, with some being very hilly and challenging, and others flat and easy.

The afternoon version of these hikes, are very educational, as hike leaders share on a variety of topics from local history and architectural heritage , geology, to environmental issues, health matters to name a few. One will also hear lots of laughter, as hikers engage in lighthearted banter. On the odd occasion, spicing things up a bit, will be an unfriendly cow in a pasture that sends hikers on a stampede.

One of the highlights on the hike calendar is the Colin Hudson Great Train Hike, offered once per year in February, commemorating an outstanding hike leader, who is deceased, and retracing the route of the twenty four mile old railway route. Hikers from other countries now schedule their vacation to Barbados to include this event.

A recent new dimension to the afternoon Sunday hikes is the After Hike Picnic, an activity introduced to encourage greater socialization among hikers, there between four to six picnics per year. One of the many spin-off hiking groups is the early Wednesday morning group, which caters to mainly the retired, stay at home moms, and of course those on vacation.

Barbados is only one hundred and sixty six square miles, and just over eleven hundred feet at it's highest point, but if you like exploring the outdoors, learning something about it at the same time, while you are getting a fun workout, in friendly company, the Barbados is your destination.

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